I’m Froswa’ Booker-Drew
Partnership Broker. Relational Leadership Junkie. Connector. Author/Speaker/Trainer. Co-Founder, HERitage Giving Circle.
What’s Your
Immunity to Change?
It’s time to step into your power
Learn to discover, manage and embrace your barriers
to life’s challenges.
For so many of us, we want to do something innovative and different, but can’t figure out how to make the improvements needed to make change. Sound familiar? Then this course is for you.
Discover how to identify and then overcome the barriers to creating change
See how to change your view of the world by changing your perspective
Learn how to identify the situational tools you'll need to create lasting change
Get hands-on guidance to make your goals a reality
About Me
Graduating with a PhD from Antioch University in Leadership and Change with a focus on social capital and relational leadership has offered me the opportunity to have a scholar/ practitioner lens in all I do.
I attended the Jean Baker Miller Institute at Wellesley for training in Relational Cultural Theory and completed facilitator training on Immunity to Change based on the work of Kegan and Lahey of Harvard.
I have also completed training through UNICEF on Equity Based Evaluations. I am the author of 2 workbooks for women, Ready for a Revolution: 30 Days to Jolt Your Life and Rules of Engagement: Making Connections Last as well as a writer for several publications around the globe.
“Dr. Froswa’ is such a beam of positive light, knowledge and encouragement for myself, the DFW Metroplex, and beyond. I have had the pleasure of having her as a career mentor, life coach, volunteer partner, friend, etc… The heart she has for her community and women in general, is unmatched.” – A. Paulette Griffin
“I have worked with Froswa in several capacties and each time I have been amazed by her passion, creativity, and her willingness to provide whatever support she can. If you need a resource, Froswa knows where to go, if you need to network, Froswa knows who you should contact, if your nonprofit needs help, get Froswa, if she is your friend, you can consider yourself truly blessed. Froswa is truly an awesome woman.” –Mary Beth Harrington
“I have never met a more capable, highly connected networker, information broker, and resourceful coach. – Tomi Grover.
Course Taster

Try it for free.
You can preview one of the modules in my course here. In this module we look at what it means to overcome our barriers to change and to unlock the full potential of our lives and experience.
It’s a lens into discovering why we perceive that change is difficult, why we tend to avoid making needed changes and what we can do about it instead.
Just click the video on the left for a free preview of the course.
Other Online Courses

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Building Your Relationship with Money

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Sabotage to Success

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Destress for Success

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